Friday, 13 June 2014

Windows Paranormal Activities

    It's my first blog here..
I am a Post Graduate Student of Computer Science.
You may be find this blog containing a non sensible issues .
But once You read you will find a serious issue having there...

I am talking about here a special Microsoft Windows error..which is not caught by any one (I HOPE SO)
i addressed this issue last year.. but i wasn't know where i put my addressed error..
now finally i am posting it here...

If u are reading this post so let me clear you..
you have to know about basic Unix command like: cat (it's used for making any text file in unix).


$ cat > Rohit  // (and you will press enter: unix prompt will goes next line and you can write anything in file                                  and save it by press ctr+z button).

it is basic phenomena of Unix Shell commands..

Now If we Talking About Windows os.
it is slightly different from Unix.. it have it's own GUI support.. and u can create file using GUI.
also u can use command prompt and MS DOS.

some commands are same in these two.. like TREE. 

But Microsoft never addressed a issue ..

which is.. the same command CAT.

just try what i am telling you..

Before using cat Command

After Using Cat Command

step 1: open your command prompt ( RUN : cmd )
step 2: go to any directory which you want to use.. suppose you want to work in D drive .
step 3: use command prompt for this.. because by default you will be in windows drive in command prompt               so change it to D drive by using ( d: ).
step 4: now you can see parallel your command prompt and GUI of D drive.
step 5: now add a text file using cmd ... by command CAT.. 

ex:   d:\>  cat > Rohit.txt

you will find an error immediately by cmd:
'cat' is not recognized as an internal or external comman,
operable program or batch file.

But hey when you look at Your GUI of D drive What You Found...
ha ha ha There is a File Named Rohit.txt.
isn't it funny..

not just .txt file you can create any file by using this command.
like: .mp3, .mp4, .avi, .mpg,
i can say think about any format it will work...

or one more thing not only 
CAT > Rohit.txt works..

CAT >> Rohit.txt also works

you can use single greater then bracket or double no matter..
but in unix double bracket is used for appending two files...

So it is the Error in Microsoft...
You can post Your Valuable comments in my blog..
You can suggest me how i can make my blog more creative and attractive because i am new here.
thanks for reading.

Rohit Pandey. 


Nitesh Sharma said...

Thnx for this information Mr.Pandey...its very helpful

tanuj said...

Very nice....

Unknown said...

Thnx bro...
Microsoft hv 2 think abut dis..

Unknown said...

hummm... before i thought .. y not m going to patent this.. but tried many efforts but not found any way ... lastly i used blog for this

Unknown said...

great work... try other unix commands too.. there might be a possibility that u would find other measures to support your point.. but great work pandey.. keep it up